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NECESSITY OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN ANY ORGANIZATION INTRODUCTION As organizations try to survive in the turbulent dynamic market, strong emphasis must be laid on human capital in order to be competitive and financially solvent.  However, there are other factors that affect organizations’ success; organizations must possess productive (i.e. effective and efficient) employees. In addition, organizations differentiating on the basis of human capital due to its intangible characteristics such as knowledge, skills, and motivation of the workforce increasingly see it as invaluable in order to remain sustainable in the market. Thus organizations should have employees that have the capability of adjusting to a swift dynamic business environment ( Annual Report 2017 Seylan Bank PLC ). Seylan Bank PLC, (2017) in spend more than Rs. 6 Million and 369 training program and 78,610 hours and it cost the profit per employee was Rs. 1.38 Million annually on empl...
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NUMBER AND DURATION OF TRAINING PROGRAMS (Source: Annual Report 2017, Seylan Bank PLC ). (Source: Annual Report 2017, Seylan Bank PLC ). (Source: Annual Report 2017, Seylan Bank PLC ). Employees are able to balance their work life and personal life in a better manner which leads to a reduction of stress. 1.     Employees are able to balance their work life and personal life in a better manner which leads to a reduction of stress. 2.     Such programs help in improving the physical and psychological health of the employee, thereby bringing down the absenteeism rate. 3.     These programs develop employee morale, increase the productivity, job satisfaction and commitment of the employee towards the organizational goals. 4.     These programs also aim at the progress of the individuals in their personal and professional lives. 5.     They improve the communication between all lev...
STAGES OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The training process refers to a systematic approach to  developing training programs.  Figure.1.1. presents the seven steps in this process. Step 1 is to conduct a needs assessment, which is necessary to identify whether training is needed.  Step 2 is to ensure that employees have the motivation and basic skills necessary to master the training content.  Sep 3 is to create a learning environment that has the features necessary for learning to occur.  Step 4 is to ensure that trainees to apply the training contents to their jobs.  This step involves having the trainee understand how to manage skill improvement as well as getting co-workers and manager support. Step 5 is to develop an evaluation plan. Developing an evaluation plan includes identifying what types of outcomes training is expected to influence (for example, learning behavior, skill) Choosing an evaluation design that allows determining the influenc...
TRAINING EVALUATION Training evaluation is the systematic collection of data regarding the success of the job. Training program (Golstein,1986). Constructive evaluation occurs when specified outcome measures are conceptually related to intend learning objectives. Evaluation is conducted to answer either of two questions; whether training objectives were achieved and whether the accomplishment of those objectives results in enhanced performance on the subject. A Classification Scheme of Training Evaluation This scheme, presented in Table 1, is organized by the cognitive, skill-based, and effective learning outcomes.  For each learning outcome, the table describes relevant learning constructs, appropriate foci for measurement, and potential evaluation measures.  The classification scheme in table 1 summarize the constructs and measures we have proposed throughout this article. The scheme advances the training evaluation by providing a ...